Paint is the easiest and cheapest way to update your old piece of furniture. Which is why I decided to spray paint my boring beige patio table and chairs as part of my deck makeover.  Learning how to paint outdoor metal furniture has definitely had a big impact on my outdoor decor.

how to paint metal patio furniture

It's week 4 of the 1 Room Challenge and we're heading down the home stretch. Or at least, we should be…I withal accept a TON of work to do.

In case you missed it, I decided to make over my deck this twelvemonth. You can catch upwardly on my progress here:

  • Calendar week 1: The Deck "Earlier"
  • Calendar week two: Palm Embankment Chic Outdoor Decor Inspiration
  • Calendar week 3: DIY Trellis and Cushion Preview
  • Week 5: Tiling tips and tricks
  • Week 6: The terminal deck makeover reveal

The 1 problem with doing outdoor projects is that you can't control the atmospheric condition. And we've had a lot of rain.

Which has totally messed with my schedule.

So, while I didn't get the tiling completely done on my outdoor bar, I did become my outdoor dining table and chairs painted (okay, at that place may have been a little procrastination on the tiling…it's non my favorite thing to do).

Before and after of painted metal patio chairs

But my metal patio table and chairs look so much ameliorate, it's hard to believe information technology's the same ready. The white paint really makes them stand up out.


In fact, it almost looks the same as this really expensive furniture* set I ran beyond. Just mine cost way less than that!

I bought my set from Sears many years ago, and then for this makeover all it cost me was some paint.

So yous might be wondering…

What Kind of Paint Works All-time For Painting Metallic Furniture?

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Metal outdoor furniture spray painted white with fuchsia pink cushions

Proficient question!

I take never had much luck using standard pigment for painting outdoor furniture. It always seem to scrap and needs to exist re-painted oft.

Which is why I chose to get with spray paint for this project.

It likewise gets the job washed a lot faster, dries quicker and information technology doesn't seem to wear off as hands. Even if it does start to fade, it's really piece of cake to practice bear on ups past getting out some other tin of spray paint.

My go-to spray paint for this kind of projection is Rustoleum*. Information technology has a primer built in which makes the chore go fifty-fifty faster. Every bit long as your furniture isn't too rusty, y'all don't need anything else.

I besides chose to go with a flat (or matte) paint (as opposed to satin or glossy). That'southward because information technology's easier to get the end to look correct. And if you exercise demand to do some touch-ups in the hereafter, they alloy right in.

How To Set Metal Patio Piece of furniture For Painting

So now that we have the pigment decided on, hither's how to go well-nigh painting outdoor metal piece of furniture:

1. Scrape off any loose paint and rust with a wire castor*. This is merely to remove any loose bits that could peel off later and wreck your paint task.

2. Wash the furniture with TSP* to get rid of whatever grime (or algae in my case). Dry thoroughly.

3. If your furniture is really rusty, spray it with Rustoleum Rust Reformer paint*. It will convert the rust into a paint-able surface without requiring sanding !

Now you lot're fix to paint!

Tips For Successful Spray Painting

Hither are some of my spray painting tips to get the best stop for your outdoor piece of furniture.

1 | Apply A Pigment Grip

Spray can paint grip

Employ one of these spray paint grips* to go on your easily from getting tired.

It is so much easier than holding down that fiddling button on the summit of the can.

two | Don't Spray Besides Close

Spray can being held about 6 inches from a metal patio chair

Hold the spray can about 6 inches away from the surface to prevent the paint from pooling and running.

3 | Have A Pigment Programme

A metal outdoor chair being spray painted

The best way to prevent missing spots is to have a programme of attack.

Start at the front of the chair and paint everything you can see from top to bottom.

The side of a metal patio chair being spray painted

And so move to the side of the chair and practice the aforementioned.

The rail of a metal patio chair that was missed in painting

Don't forget to look for easy-to-forget spots like the insides of the chair dorsum runway.

The back of a metal patio chair being spray painted

Repeat for the back and the other side.

4 | Start With The Furthest Parts Offset

A metal patio table being spray painted white

Do the same kind of rotation around the tabular array just outset painting at the middle of the tabular array and piece of work your fashion out to the edges. This volition prevent y'all from accidentally rubbing up against wet paint.

5 | Do Ii Sparse Coats

Painting 2 thin coats (rather than ane thick one) results in a meliorate terminate.

With spray paint, you demand to exercise the 2d glaze quickly, usually within 30 minutes of the first i, so I do the loop around each piece of furniture twice. If you miss your xxx infinitesimal window, and so yous'll need to look for a couple of days before applying the next glaze…and that kind of defeats the quick chore benefits of spray paint if you inquire me 🙂

half dozen | Work In The Shade

A beige metal outdoor chair under the shade of an umbrella

If you are painting outdoors, work in the shade to go on the paint from drying likewise quickly which can crusade it to crevice.

My new pink umbrella came in handy for this.

7 | Put Down Cardboard

The base of a metal outdoor chair spray painted on a piece of cardboard

Put your article of furniture on pieces of cardboard.

This will let y'all paint all the style down to the bottom without worrying about getting the paint everywhere. (Fortunately, I've been getting some deliveries for my deck makeover so I had some large pieces of paper-thin to piece of work with).

It likewise works better than plastic sheets because the cardboard doesn't get defenseless in the wind and stick to your wet pigment.

8 | Look 48 Hours Before Using

White painted metal patio furniture on a deck

Once y'all have finished spray painting, let the paint dry for 48 hours (or more) before putting out your cushions and using your article of furniture.

Well, that'due south it for my outdoor piece of furniture painting tips. And now I actually have to become back to that tiling!

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Pivot It So You Don't Forget It!

how to spray paint metal patio furniture

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